Carrying to Term

This page is dedicated to all the parents who just received devastating news.  You may be faced with many options you had never heard of previously. You most likely have been thrown into a world you assume was only for others.

We don’t have the answers. Hopefully, Knowing that other parents have been there and how they coped may be useful to you.

I would encourage you to get a hold of “High risk pregnancy and Foetal diagnosis which is a book I wrote after my own experience with carrying Talina to term. It is a simple companion written by parents for parents and provides testimonies, practical and emotional support.  It can be found from Free Association Books and is available from CAPERS bookstore, AMAZON, Footprint, FAB and most online Bookstores.


Emotional and social issues of a high risk pregnancy

The Bombshell (finding out about the diagnosis)

How to find our more about the diagnosis

Questions, options and decisions

Impact on the family

Friends and Strangers

How to enjoy your pregnancy

Creating Memories

Funeral options


I finally accepted that I couldn’t save my baby and that she would die. But there was one thing I could for her and that was to let her die in my arms. That, I could do for her”

The Bombshell (finding out about the diagnosis)

Finding out that your unborn child may have a serious or life-threatening condition may come as a shock to say the least. If you are not in the high-risk category, the shock may be even greater. Many of the parents who receive such terrible news every year are relatively healthy parents between 20 and 30 years old, living a wholesome lifestyle, many of whom have had other perfectly healthy children before receiving this diagnosis.

The parents who provided their testimonies explained they felt as if they had been thrown into a world they assumed belonged ‘only for others’. What should have been one of the happiest moments of their lives had turned into a shattered dream.

In order for parents and the community to make sense of the intense feelings that may follow such a diagnosis, it would be helpful to learn about, pregnancy attachment theory. Kennel and Klaus (1976) described nine steps that occur in pregnancy to explain human attachment. Understanding that most of these steps occur even before the birth of the baby can help us to acknowledge the grief issues that accompany the premature death of an infant or the loss of the healthy child that we had in mind.

  • Planning the pregnancy
  • Confirming the pregnancy
  • Accepting the pregnancy
  • Feeling foetal movement
  • Accepting the foetus as a person
  • Giving birth
  • Hearing and seeing the infant
  • Touching and holding the infant
  • Caring for the infant

The first five steps occur before or around 20 weeks of gestation, which is currently about the time that most parents discover that their child has an abnormality. Most parents have already made plans, named their child, announced the pregnancy to their family and friends and imagined their life with the new baby by that time. Sometimes the child has a condition that is not lifethreatening but involves a lifetime of special care and special needs.

How can parents be expected simply to forget, and to make vital decisions involving the life and death of their child in just a few days?

Many parents have described feeling an awkward sensation of grief while their child was still healthy in the womb, while others even felt guilty and didn’t understand why they would grieve for someone who was still alive and / or a child that would live. This is called anticipatory grief.

Indeed, your child is still kicking and is seen as ‘normal’ but you know that this will come to an end. You may be anticipating the next few months and starting to experience grief-like symptoms (Geldard, 1989). These may be:

  • Emotional (sadness, anger, depression);
  • Mental (preoccupation with thoughts of the baby, fantasies, fear of going crazy);
  • Physical (aching, emptiness, lack of strength, palpitations);
  • Social (desire to be left alone, problems communicating, difficulty planning the future).

Although parents experience one primary loss in losing their baby or their dream baby as they imagined him or her, they in fact experience multiple ‘secondary’ losses (loss of their ideals, loss of hope, loss of their family, loss of innocence, loss of security, to name just a few). The pattern for many parents is the same as the one they will experience after the birth of their child; they go through stages of grief. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross (1969) identified five distinct stages of the grieving process: denial, anger, bargaining, letting go and acceptance. Research has shown that it is possible to go through those stages in any order or to go back and forth between stages. It is also imperative to keep in mind that not everyone will reach the acceptance stage.

  • Shock (sudden numbness, inability to function normally)
  • Denial (disbelieving the diagnosis, trying to find a solution)
  • Guilt (the parents may wonder what they did, perhaps ate or drank, to make their baby sick)
  • Anger (parents may be angry with the medical staff for what they did or did not do, or with friends for smoking in front of the pregnant mother etc.)
  • Acceptance (the parents may come to terms with the diagnosis, decide about the funeral or special care the child will need).

‘Anticipatory grief is more than just pre-death grief symptoms over a few months. It is a journey towards the ultimate loss but is composed of many losses of the past, present and future’ (Gilbert, 1996, p. 269).

What’s Inside a Baby Bag?

The baby bag is every new mom’s new best friend that they need to be right there by their side at all times. Stepping outside the house with your little one without a baby bag is a mistake you wouldn’t dare make if you don’t want to have any regrets.

Below is a checklist of the most important and must-have items that should be inside a baby bag all the time:

  1. Diapers – For every 2 hours you spend outside, you have to pack one diaper and a few extras to be safe.
  2. Wipe – Choose a good travel pack for your wipes. You can also maintain the moisture of the baby wipes by putting them inside a plastic sandwich bag. Wipes have the most number of purposes out of all baby bag contents. You use them to wipe your hands, your baby’s bum and the changing pad, particularly after using a public restroom.
  3. Changing Pad – Your baby bag may already come with one but you might want to get something bigger.
  4. Baby ointment/cream – Use travel-sized tubes of baby cream or ointment to save space.
  5. Pacifiers – If your baby is using a pacifier, keep it inside a clean bag together with extra bottle nipples to keep them sanitary.
  6. Small empty sacks – These can be used for those soiled diapers and clothing. You can dispose them if they are disposable or bring them home if they are made from cloth. These can also be used for used nipples and pacifiers.
  7. Washcloths or burp cloths – Put as much as you think you will need and add some more.
  8. Baby food – It doesn’t matter if is pumped breast milk, baby food, or instant formula in bottles. Try to figure out the number of feedings worth your baby will need then pack accordingly. If you have a toddler, you can also add some water in the baby bag.
  9. Hand sanitizer – Since you have no idea who else touched the things you touched before changing or feeding your baby, make sure you have a hand sanitizer with you.
  10. Change of clothes or two. Spit-up can always happen as well as leaky bottles and blow-outs. Put a couple extra pairs of clean socks while you are at it.
  11. Hat – No matter what the season might be, your bag should have a topper appropriate for the weather to block out the cold or sun.
  12. Light blanket – Again, whatever the season, it wouldn’t hurt to have something to use in drafty restaurants and during unexpected breezes. You can also use the blanket to shade your baby from the heat of the sun.
  13. Sunscreen – For babies 6 months and above, you should use a sunscreen if you and your baby will be out and about strolling in the park.
  14. Toys – If there is something that keeps your little one entertained, whether it is a teether, rattle, or board book, toss it in the baby bag. You will also need toy straps if you don’t want to pick toys up from the sidewalks or floor of restaurants.