What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is also described as a guided hypnosis or a trance-like concentration that is typically achieved with the guide of clinical hypnotherapists. It is a form of psychotherapy that uses intense concentration, guided relaxation and focused attention to gain the highlighted state of awareness.

In this situation, the patient can shift their awareness inwardly to discover and make use of the actual means rooted within themselves that can support them in making resolutions or retrieve control in some regions of their lives.

This form of therapy is considered as a substitute medication to utilize one’s mind to help ease a diversity of issues like phobias, dangerous habits and psychological distress. It is also considered as an aid to psychotherapy, because the client, in this state, can express their feelings, emotions and even painful memories. The main aim of hypnotherapy is to bring back to an individual state of consciousness.


Hypnotherapy can work in two ways: suggestion therapy or for client analysis.

Suggestion Therapy – In this state, it makes the person better and able to respond to suggestions. Hence, hypnotherapy can help people change behaviours, such as stopping the habit of nail-biting or smoking. It can also help people alter their sensations and perceptions, and is useful in treating painful points.
Analysis – This approach makes use of the relaxed state to explore a possible psychological root of a symptom or disorder, such as painful memories and traumatic experiences that are hidden in a person in his or her inert mind. Once the ordeal or the root is disclosed, it can be addressed in psychotherapy.


The hypnotic state permits the person to be more open and receptive to discussion and suggestion. It can improve several situations, such as:

Irrational fears or phobias and anxiety

Sleep disorders

Severe Depression

Post-trauma anxiety

Emotional Stress

Grief and loss.

Painful Events


This form of therapy is used to help in overcoming bad habits and even in pain control. It is also used for people that are in need of crisis management. Dentists also make use of this to help patients control their fears in treating oral conditions.


For people who are addicted to drugs and alcohol, and to those who have psychotic symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations, this form of therapy might not be appropriate. Hypnotherapy may be less efficient than other more traditional treatments such as medication for psychiatric symptoms and disorders.

Therapists use hypnotherapy to regain and recover possibly repressed memories they believe are connected to the person’s mental disorder. However, the reliability and quality of given information from the patient are not always reliable. Moreover, hypnosis can pose a risk of creating false memories. For these reasons, hypnosis is no longer considered as the mainstream part of the most forms of psychotherapy.


Hypnotherapy is not dangerous, but it needs to be done by trained therapists. One must erase the misconception that it is only minded control or brainwashing. It is still hard and professional work that needs proper preparation and training.

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