9 Better Parenting Skills to Practice

Nurturing and raising your kids is one of the most fulfilling yet most challenging tasks in the world. As a parent, you have to undergo multiple process and strategies to make everything okay for your children. So as you go through, develop these skills to become more effective, positive and fulfilled in your daily parenting.

Always learn to appreciate. Have you ever think about how many times you stopped and react negatively to your kids? Maybe, you will find yourself criticizing more than complementing. One effective way in parenting is to make a point of praising your child’s good work every day. Be generous with compliments and rewards.

Boost your child’s self-esteem. Make sure to avoid loaded statements as your weapons. Belittling comments and comparing your child to others will make your kids feel worthless and unfavored. Do not comment “What a stupid thing” or phrases that make them feel unworthy of your love. Show compassion and choose your words appropriately. Let them know the consequence of sin but show love after.

Make time for your kids. Understandably, you need to work hard for your kids’ future, but always have in mind that time passes every day that you must not miss milestones of your kids. Kids who are not getting much attention often act out or misbehave.

Be consistent with your discipline. Discipline is essential in the household. Establishing house rules and pursuing occupation helps your kids understand your expectation and develop self-control. Be sure to be consistent for them to remember it all the time.

Prioritize communication. Clarify your expectations. If there’s a problem with your kids, describe it, express it and invite your kids to communicate for a possible solution. Offer choices and opportunities for them to open up their emotions and feeling.

Be a role model. Young kids are great observers, and they can learn by watching, so you need to be aware that someone is watching you- in speech and actions. Start to model the traits and values you want to see in your kids: honesty, kindness, respect and discipline. Above these things, be an example of love.

Show your unconditional love. Always strive to nurture and encourage even while disciplining your kids. You are responsible for guiding them in such a way that they will know that you are his parent and they can cling on you no matter what.

Be flexible in parenting style. As your child grows and matures, your strategies need to be flexible too. What is working to your child now may not work well in a year or two. But continue to project guidance, encouragement and appropriate disciple as he grows. Seize every moment with your kids to learn more.

Know your needs and limitations as a parent. The truth is- you are not a perfect parent. Recognize your strengths and weaknesses. Develop some realistic expectations for yourself, for your kids and even for your spouse. Take your time and focus on things one at a time. Also, do the things you love in your parenting spare times and learn the act of rest.

Parenting Techniques for 2020

Parenting is one of the intricate work that never gets a holiday break. Every day, there’s a lot of struggles in this vocation. Yet, as a parent, you give your children the best start in their life. You nurture, you guide and protect them as much as you can. Parenting plays an essential role in a child’s development in the future.

So, as you move forward in your parenting styles and techniques, you might need to consider these things/ tips to continually make a difference inside your family and most especially to your children.

Control Your Response

As a parent, you are not exempted to feeling tired and high-tempered. But one thing you need to learn is to control your emotions and don’t let it get the better of you by responding out of anger and tiredness. In giving consequences and lessons to your children, always bear in mind that it is not about you, but about your child’s character. Stay focused on what you have control – your response, and not theirs.

Tackle Their Behavior One at a Time

As a parent, you are expected to look after the overall system of your child. From school grades, household chores and daily behaviour- all these things are a valid reason for a parent to become stage parents in teaching the kids on how to meet a particular responsibility and to become more responsible. But, the reality is when you are trying to do all at once it becomes more of not efficient and effective. So, take your time and slow down. Celebrate small wins that undergo the process.

Do Not Personalize Behavior

It is familiar and comfortable to personalize behaviour when you got amid a fight with your child. When your child breaks the rule you built, you can quickly feel disrespected, that he doesn’t care about the rules. But then, as difficult as might be, do not take it personally. Stretch your patience. Be reminded that even if your child’s character is directed to you, do not take it lightly. Develop a habit of diplomacy in dealing with the problem.

Do Not Underestimate the Need of Self-care

Yes, parenting is a complicated job, but self-care is also essential. Doing and activity you enjoy such as shopping, walking in playgrounds, reading or having a date with your friends is a must too. Take time to breathe and rest once in a while. It is challenging to be an effective parent when you are always stressed out and exhausted by your situation. Self-care improves your capability to become more cheerful and energetic in tackling your child’s behaviour- it is also called empowerment.

Be Patient: Behavior is a Process

You should know that the inappropriate behaviour of a child is developed and learned over some time. Same with learning new and appropriate ways to solve problems. Your child’s development is not an overnight basis, and you expect to see a change in a snap. Be patient and enjoy the moment. The change will indeed happen if you stick with it.

What are the Parenting Styles?

What kind of parent are you? How do you manage and discipline your children? Parenting is not an easy responsibility, but it is also fun. There are various ways and strategies to raise children. Some parents are “helicopter parents” who monitor every step of their children’s lives, while other parents give their children space to move freely and develop independence.

Parenting is a trial and error, you do not always do it right the first time, but as time moves forward, you and your partner will learn and discover the kind of parenting style that is fitting for your children.

Here are some parenting styles that help you better understand what kind of parents you are:


Authoritarian or Disciplinarian Parenting

It is a style of parenting where they discipline their children with rules and punishment. Communication is mostly one way; only the parents can speak and ignoring the child’s point of view. Parents set standards and expectations for their children.

Parents who discipline this way are less nurturing and drive their children to rebel against them. The children tend to have low self-esteem and dependent.


Permissive or Indulgent Parenting

Permissive parenting is the opposite of “helicopter parents”; parents allow their children to do what they want with limited guidance. There are few or no rules and minimal expectations. There is open communication; parents give their children the freedom to express themselves and make decisions. They tend to be nurturing and loving parents.

The parents demand little to their children leading to a lack of discipline, poor social skills, and insecurity. Since the parents give limited guidance, children can make poor decisions and be more prone to delinquency.


Uninvolved Parenting

The children have freedom, and parents neglect their responsibilities. Parents are unsure of how to raise their children. Due to a lack of interest in parenting, parents usually let their children do things independently without caring what they are doing. The communication is limited, there are no expectations, and the parents are less affectionate.

Neglectful parents do not develop a connection with their children, which leads to poor social skills and low self-esteem. Children receive little attention, love, care, guidance, and discipline.


Authoritative Parenting

The parents are reasonable, responsive, nurturing, and set clear expectations. Authoritative parenting is the most effective because children grow as independent, well-mannered, and successful person in the future.

The authoritarian parents set rules that are reasonable and beneficial for the children. They balance their approach to their children, showing respect, listening, and cooperating with them. When children make mistakes, they talk about it with them and explain the consequences of their choices and actions. They help their children to become better individuals.

Parents are the most critical people in a child’s life. They help the child develop independence, know his identity, lead him to the right path, and guide him to better life experience.

Parents are the people behind every child’s success. Every child is unique, and every child has dreams; when parents raise him accordingly, he can become the next Bill Gates, Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King, Jr., or Barack Obama. The children are the future so raise them well.


How to Teach Your Kids to Read?

Teaching kids to read is not an easy task. It is not contrary to some people’s belief that learning to read is not a ‘natural’ process that happens in just a blink of an eye. It’s a complex one that requires various strategies and skills such as phonics awareness. Whether the task is for teachers or parents, the weight is still the same, and it needs to be done in proper preparation.

A study shows that kids learn to read when they are finally able to identify letters and combinations of letters and connect them to sounds. But, there’s more to it, it needs a deeper understanding of the process of reading. You can’t impose on a child to read quickly, without undergoing the step to step level of it.

The great news is that although reading itself is a complicated process; we enlist some of these steps to guide you in the fair building of learning skills: simple and straightforward. To teach your kids how to read and make it a rewarding and positive experience, consider these time-tested and straightforward strategies:

  • Make use of songs and nursery rhymes to build phonemic awareness.

The rhymes and rhythm of children’s nursery songs are not just for fun; it contributes to the child’s capability of hearing the sound and syllables in words – that can help them learn to read. Clapping rhythmically together and reciting songs in unison is a better and enjoyable way to build phonics awareness. In this fantastic yet straightforward way, the children will implicitly develop the literacy skills to set them up for the reading process.

  • Make simple word cards. 

If you have spare cards, make use of it and create simple word cards containing three sounds each (e.g. top, sun, pot). Show your kids the map and help him to identify the letter one by one until he fully identifies the right sound of the word.  This low cost and simple activity will help develop a child’s decoding skills.

  • Attract your child’s attention through a print-rich environment

If you want a daily opportunity to build your child’s reading skills, create a print-rich environment within your home. Printed words on cards, posters, signs and billboards will enable them to apply connections between letter symbols and sounds. Every day ask your child, “what letter is this?”, “What is the sound of this letter?” By doing this, they can easily recall in their mind the letters and their signals and symbols.

  • Mobilize the use of technology to keep your child engaged

At first, a child’s attention and eagerness to learn are at the peak, but they will come to the point of being bored and not wanting to learn anymore. That is why you must keep the earning process always enjoyable and catchy for them. Nowadays, there are many ideas online to look for engaging and fantastic ways to help your kids learn to read.  Use modern technology to look at strategies in making your kids alive and alert throughout the process.

  • Be patient

Be patient with your child’s step by step development. Remember that every child learns at their own pace; all you need to do is keep motivating them and make every day an enjoyable learning session.


Educating the Next Generation in Australia

When it comes to educating the next generation in Australia, it is like you are gazing at a crystal ball. Five decades ago, some would have expected the likes of Classics and Latin to become redundant. If you will ask about these subjects in Australian classrooms right now, you will not only discover that these are not taught anymore but students will even ask you how these can help them in their real day to day life.

This question speaks a lot about the modern-day learners. They no longer consider conventional academic subjects as irrefutably valuable because they also need it to come in handy in this modern world. This yea 2020, how will learning Latin help you land a job?

A lot of Australians seem to share the same sentiments. Based on the latest survey, many people have this belief that education must put stronger emphasis on vocational and practical skills. Although traditional subjects remain important, most believe that this no longer prepare students for the future working environment where they will be part of.

How do Australian schools adapt, then?

Multi-skill Education

Skills should be the top priority instead of jobs. In the past, jobs tend to come and go often. Many Australian students were gearing up for occupations where most were expected to be significantly changed by automation. This is why focus on multi-skilled education is important to make it through the dynamic job economy. Although the educational system won’t prepare you for this, it places more emphasis on multi-skill education that accommodates an equally multi-career future.

Industry Insight and Apprenticeships

This concern doesn’t have a quick and easy fix but seeing most schools form partnerships with the local trades and industries is something that will see an increase in the future. Working with industry experts can close the gap in skills that are currently present between employment and education.


The curriculum is now getting rewritten by technology. The extensive use of different wireless devices right now made some tasks meaningless such as typing. Youngsters now feel more comfortable with touch-typing even at a very young age. Also, students no longer have time to put their handwriting into practice. Amidst this society that is starting to become increasingly paperless, calligraphy is now considered a relic of the past.

To make sure that today’s schools wont’ fail the youngsters, it is a must for them to adapt. Interestingly, there are experts who recommend that gaming might play an essential role in the field of education. Games got the unique abilities to enthrall, engage, and move people, qualities that experts deem to be the key to embed knowledge. Games became popular for the past few years, basically through making the most out of the benefits of the games, such as drama, competition, and enjoyment, and relating these to different issues in the real world. Games are also believed to have this power of addressing real-world issues.

Ultimately, it is easy to see that technology will shape the future of education in more ways than one. To better equip the next generation in Australia, the educational system can no longer rely exclusively on traditional subjects to prepare the kids. It moves with technological advances. With technology and times moving forward, the education system should, too.

Olivia (Heart failure)

We all have a story to tell.  Our stories usually tell of our experiences.  Some stories of experience help change the way we handle ourselves, or approach difficult situations in the future, and some stories of experience are happy and some are sad.  Some stories of experience rock the core of our very being.  The story that we are about to tell you has done all of that, and more.

So, where do we begin?  It was a normal pregnancy, through the very hot summer months of 1999.  We knew that we were having a little girl in June, 1999.  We were so happy.  I never realized how much I wanted a daughter.  I always said, just give me a healthy baby because at my age, I cannot push my luck.  Dan, he was happy that we were having another child and that she was healthy.  But, when I found out that I was having a little girl, I began to plan.   I thought about what she looked like, what kind of clothes I would have her in, what her bedroom would look like, and of course, was she going to have the same temperament as me!!!  I figured her to be a little girl with a feisty temperament.  She was constantly moving. In fact, I felt her moving at 11 weeks.  She did not stop moving until that fateful day, when our lives turned upside, forever.

I saw the doctor for my weekly routine visit on September 30, 1999.  All was fine.  I was 36.5 weeks pregnant but felt about 45 weeks pregnant.  I wanted to deliver that day.  We were all prepared at home.  The house had been cleaned top to bottom.  Olivia?s room was in order.  Her clothes were washed and ironed and hanging in the closet.  Dan and myself were ready.

I woke up at 7:10 AM on Saturday, October 2, 1999.  I did not feel her moving.  I lay in bed for 5 minutes.  Frankie woke up, and as Dan and I were waiting for his protests to get a little stronger, I told Dan, ?I don?t feel her moving.?  I lay there a little while longer and still did not feel her move.   I had to get my haircut that day.  So assuming Olivia was getting too big to move as freely, but still concerned, I got up and cleaned myself up.  Throughout the next three hours, I concentrated on her movements.  I did not feel them!!  I went home after my haircut, choosing not to run errands.  I ate a bowl of cereal with sugar on it, thinking that it would increase her movements.  I lay down to count the kicks.  After 15 minutes, I felt no movements, so I called the doctor.  He asked me to come in to be checked.  His demeanor was such that I thought perhaps I was over reacting but it was better to be safe than sorry.  We had lunch and brought Frankie with us to the hospital.

I walked in to the Labor and Delivery unit feeling stupid.   The nurses knew to expect me.  One nurse placed me in a small room and promptly placed me on the external fetal monitor.  Quickly finding Olivia?s heartbeat, at 120 beats a minute, my immediate response was, ?okay, I can go home now.?  The nurses? response was, ?not so fast.?  Dr. Mallinger came in and reviewed the non-stress test monitor.  He told me that her heart rate was non-reactive.  I had no idea what that meant.  All I knew is that she had a heartbeat.  That is what mattered to me, but obviously not him.  They explained that her heart rate was not fluctuating up and down as she moves.  So, a sonogram was done.  Sound waves were bounced through my belly, and Olivia did not move in response to the sound waves.  I was still clueless, like nothing was wrong!!  The plan from this point was to put me in a more comfortable bed and watch Olivia more closely.  If she did not move in the next 20 minutes, I was to have a stress test with a Pitocin drip and possibly deliver her that day.  I got up from the table and followed the nurse.  While doing so, the external monitor slipped out of place.  I got back in to bed, and the nurse placed the probe on my belly.  At first at I thought that she could not find Olivia?s heart rate.  I was getting ?pissy? because I thought that she did not know what she was doing.  She called in another nurse who found a heart rate, at 80 beats a minute.  At first they thought that it was mine.  A sonographer brought in his sonogram machine and placed it on my abdomen.  Olivia?s heart was only beating 80 beats a minute!!!!!  All of a sudden, cords were ripped off of my belly; the bed cord was ripped out of the wall and down the hall I flew in the bed with nurses and doctors at my side.  I always said if one more person was at my side, I would have been airborne.  I went down the hall screaming out Dan?s name.  He had left to call my parents to come down to the hospital.  We needed them!!!  Oh yes, Frankie was with us the whole time!!!

It was at this point that I felt as though I was having an out of body experience.  I was placed on the operating table where several people approached me.  I heard, ?Susan, I am going to start an IV, Susan, I am going to put a catheter in your bladder, Susan, I am going to put a blood pressure cuff on this arm, Susan, I am going to put an oxygen mask on you.?   Then I felt a wet solution on my belly, and at the same time, I heard, ?Susan, you are going to feel a cold solution on your belly.?  Through all of this, my obstetrician, Dr. Mallinger said, ?Susan, your baby needs to come out now.?  They let Dan in because I kept screaming his name.  When he did come in, I couldn?t talk.  I just wanted to see him, to know that he was there, and all I managed to eek out, was ?call my parents.?  I was scared to death.  The last thing I remember was hearing the anesthetist, ?Susan, you are going to go to sleep now.  Take a deep breath in.?  As I lay on the table falling asleep, I kept saying over and over, ?GOD, please let me baby be okay, please let my baby be okay.?  Olivia was born at 2:09 PM.

I awoke two hours later to the sound of the neonatologist talking in my left ear and Dan on my right.  I opened my eyes and immediately heard, ?it is not a good situation.?  I heard the words, ?anemic,? ?very low blood pH,? ?we need to make a decision.?  I immediately cried out.  I wanted to see her.  They wheeled me on the stretcher to the Intensive Care Nursery, where I saw Olivia for the very first time.  There were monitors, lines and tubes everywhere.  She was on a ventilator and a nurse was beside her pushing blood from a large syringe in to her umbilical IV line.  Through all of this, I saw the most beautiful little baby girl I had ever seen.  I saw her black, curly hair, her long delicate fingers and hands and long skinny feet.  She had olive-colored skin and her eyes were slightly opened. I kept thinking, ?they have made a mistake, this is not my baby.  My baby is okay.?  The neonatologist explained in detail what happened, what her lab tests were like and what was the expected outcome.  ?This is not a good situation,? she kept saying over and over.  She was gently telling me that Olivia was not going to survive and that her medical condition was going to become worse.  She then suggested that if we pull the tubes and the IVs, they would dress Olivia and bring her to us and then take pictures.  We could hold her for as long as we wanted.  Dan and I agreed to stop all heroic measures.  But before we discontinued everything, I wanted her baptized.  Olivia?s nurse knew that we were Catholic.  She attempted to find a Catholic priest on call in the hospital or one that was available from the church across the street.  No priest was available, and the hospital chaplain was one hour away.  A respiratory therapist working in the ICN knew of a Catholic priest recovering from open-heart surgery in the hospital.  He was medically stable and was getting ready to go home soon.  The therapist went down to his room and brought him up.  Olivia was baptized, and it was then that she was named Olivia Anne Bevevino, after her maternal great-grandmother.

Olivia was dressed and brought to me.  Ironically, I brought an outfit from home for her, just in case.  They brought her to me wrapped in a quilt donated by the hospital staff. She was still alive when I first held her.  She opened her eyes as I spoke to her, then she closed them.  I gazed down at her beautiful face.  She looked like Dan.  I marveled at every feature. Held her little tiny hand, and admired perfectly formed nail beds.  Her hands were so feminine!!  She took a few breaths and then stopped.  She quietly slipped away at 5:58 PM in my arms.

The next two days were a blur.  I kept thinking that this was a dream and I was going to wake up. I could not believe that it was happening.  Did this really happen?  There I sat in my hospital bed wondering what happened, why did it happen, and where do I go from here?  Where is she?  Is she really with GOD?  Is she watching us?  Can she come back to us one more time?  Did she know that I loved her with all of my being?   What did I do to her?

You see, when Olivia died, a part of us died with her.  Here we are three years later, and two children more, and we still struggle with her death, our loss.  The depth of the pain is unbelievable.  We still cannot believe that it has happened to us.  There are good days and there are bad days.  What else in the future will hurt us this deeply?  We miss her so much.  We would do anything to hold her, and see that sweet little face again.   Life is so, so precious.

Lana (Down Syndrome and Spina Bifida)

Falling pregnant with Lana wasn’t going to be short of emotions. Our son was 3 and very excited to have a new baby at home.  We could say we were the average 2.2 children family with a mortgage and a dog. I thought that we were stable, financially secure and professionally content. All was perfect.

I came close to not having a 12-week scan because of work commitments, but I managed to squeeze in the hour out of my busy schedule.  I remember looking at my watch thinking hurry up; I have a meeting at 3! while the sonographer was taking his time looking at the screen. When I found out my baby had most likely Spina Bifida I was devastated, but when they told me the baby was also looking like he had Down Syndrome as well was impossible to bear. I couldn’t picture going to the shops with a child that could never walk nor think (so I assumed). My husband was even more upset, as he had never been sure about having another child. One of our main arguments was always about who wanted the baby and whose fault it was.  I guess we tried to blame everyone, from each other to God, from the medical staff to the in-laws who smoked.   We didnt have an abortion because we had decided on giving the child up for adoption; at the time we felt it was a good solution.

As the pregnancy progressed, I received a lot of support from family, from friends as well as medical staff. I was advised to meet with other mums who had children with DS and Spina Bifida before making my mind up and I did. The children I saw were happy children who played and talked and who always showed a caring behaviour towards their friends and siblings. We decided to hang on making a decision until the baby would be born. When she was born, the midwives were so nice. They treated us like normal people, which we were!! Shortly after her birth, we decided to keep Lana. She became the sunshine in our lives. She was a happy baby, always smiling. Everybody looked at her because she looked so cute rather than because she was Down Syndrome and she won a baby show at 5 months old!

Lana is now 16 months old, of course she is different from other children, her gross motor skills are slow and she cannot travel like other toddlers would. Right now, to us Down Syndrome means loving as Lana always shows a friendly and bubbly personality. It is hard to summarise 2 years in a few pages and while I understand why we were so distressed by Lana’s diagnosis, I believe it was not accurate. Lana is not and never will be a burden. She is loved as much as other children are and her progress is constant.

Jared (Spina Bifida)

Jared was born on 4 January 1994 at 4:56pm with Spina Bifida. We fell in love with him the moment we laid eyes on him. He was beautiful!

When he was about 12 hours old he had neurosurgery to close up the lesion on his back. While in the womb his spinal column had not fully closed and so the spinal cord was exposed and sticking out of his back at waist level.  Jared had neurosurgery when he was 3 weeks old to have a shunt put in.  After 6 weeks in hospital we went home only to be back in hospital 10 days later because Jared was losing weight. He wasn?t getting enough milk. I just was not a good dairy mum. So we started supplementing him on top of the breast-feeding. There were a few hiccups from time to time. At first I had to take him to the Spina Bifida Clinic at the Royal Children?s Hospital once a month. I always found that very draining, as I had to see many specialists who all seemed to dump bad news on me. They would say things like this or that will probably happen, until one day I said, ?does it happen to all of them?? ?No?, ?Is there anything I can do to prevent it?? ?No? ?So then don?t bother telling me about it unless it happens. I don?t want to know about it, if it might not happen, unless there is something I can do to prevent it. ?

After that clinic things were so much better. There were still days when I would just want to cry, and I wished Matt could be there with me, but they were too frequent for him to be taking days off work. It was during one of these clinics early on that I was told that I would need to start catheterising and gloving Jared. I found that very depressing. I wanted to be a mother, not a nurse doing medical procedures. However I got used to it pretty quickly and Matt and I shared the responsibility. I arranged for the Hospital to give him a lesson so that I didn?t become the only expert on everything and this way we maintained equal footing. Thus all our care was shared, it wasn?t left up to me because I was the one that knew most about it.

Once all this was over it was smooth sailing. I had weekly physio and exercises that we had to do with Jared, and then monthly clinics, and Spina Bifida play group each fortnight. That was wonderful to be able to mix with the staff and mothers who knew what you were dealing with, and could offer suggestions.  We enrolled him in swimming at 6 months and he was a real little water baby.  He was a very loving happy little man. He was so good, a very easy baby to have. We could go out to restaurants, and he would be happy to sit and watch and listen and play with a few toys. We had Managers of restaurants come out and comment on what a wonderful baby he was. He made an incredible variety of noises. His animal noises were a source of entertainment for all those who saw him. He gurgled so much we thought he would talk really early. He didn?t talk until he was 2 but then it was so clear and beautiful to hear. He started counting at the same time. By the time he was three he could count to 100, in 2?s, 5?s you name it. He was mesmerised by time, and would sit watching the clock on our bedside table for ages. He would get really excited. ?It?s 5:43 and next it?s going to be 5:44? We gave him a little calculator that beeped, as he always wanted to play on our computer keyboard. So we gave him a calculator as it had buttons. He had a beautiful singing voice and repertoire. Then at about 4 he must have become aware that all eyes were on him and he point blank refused to perform. He only started singing again when he was 8.

When Jared was 2 he started having severe headaches sporadically. He would be screaming and holding his head back to relieve the pressure. We?d take him to the Hospital and they would admit him, only to send us home 2 days later because he was okay again. This went on with regularity for about 6 months until finally they had decided to do a quite serious operation called cranial cervical decompression. At the last moment they decided to do a shunt revision first. During the operation they discovered that not only was the shunt catheter blocked, but also the valve was faulty. 3 days later he went downhill fast. They raced him into an emergency operation and found that the new shunt wasn?t working, so he had to have another one put in.  Each time we were very blessed. Jared was released a week later and he had been in intensive care for 24 hours of that. His doctors were always amazed at his fast recovery.

At the age of 2 Jared got his caster cart, which was affectionately known as ?the chariot?. It was basically the same as a wheelchair except it was low to the ground. It was made from a plan from the Spina Bifida Association out of an old car seat and some golf buggy wheels by his father and grandfather. The moment he got into it, he knew what to do and he was off. He was like Evil Knevel in that thing, and was in it practically night and day. His world really opened up. It was lovely to see. He got his wheelchair at 4. I wasn?t too thrilled as I was trying to avoid things that would label him as disabled, but it was inevitable.

Jared is an important member of our family. He has taught both his sisters to count and is in the process of teaching Emily to spell. They generally play well together, but still have disagreements. When he wants to be helpful he is the child from heaven, yet he can also really push our buttons at the other end of the scale when he wants to, as can the other children.

Yes, life would have been so much easier if he hadn?t had these trials and challenges in his life. But it wouldn?t have been better not to have him at all. If we didn?t have him we wouldn?t be who we are. He has been a blessing in our lives, a learning curve that has made us grow. Each time he goes into theatre I worry that we are going to lose that little soul. That little fellow who says ?I love you mummy, goodnight? as we turn off the light each night, and who wants nine kisses and sneaks in another one for good measure.

He is a very special child gifted to us from God. He?s ?my precious boy, my pumpkin pie, my honey bunny, my snoogle doo, my ginger beer, my gorgie porgie?. He?s my son!

Gabby (Diaphragmatic Hernia)

In January 2002 my husband Mark and I fell pregnant with our first child. We had been married for just over three years and decided we would love to start a family. After being told I would have trouble falling pregnant we were very surprised we fell in the first month. Everything was going along quite normally, four months of bad morning sickness (all day sickness) and obsessing over what food I could or couldn?t eat and of course no drinking or smoking or being around anything that could harm our little one.

We had been talking about having children for some time and were over the moon that it was going to happen. I was so excited yet at the same time constantly feeling that something wasn?t right. I think a lot of first time Mums must feel that way but by 20 weeks we hadn?t bought a thing for the nursery or our little bubby. I don?t know why but it just didn?t seem right to create a nursery just yet.

Our worst fears were confirmed at our 20-week scan. After seeing pictures of the baby moving around and the sonographer going along like everything was OK, she said she wanted the baby to roll over, so could I go to the toilet and she would be back soon. About 20mins later she came back with another person who had a look, then turned to us and quite bluntly said the baby?s? stomach is where it shouldn?t be it has a Diaphragmatic Hernia and is probably Down Syndrome you will have to go to the Mater and decide what to do. (After everything we have been through over the past year and a half I still think this was probably the hardest day).

The four-day wait for our appointment at the Mater was excruciating. It was actually going to take two weeks but my Obstetrician pleaded with them to make it shorter.

Gabrielle?s CDH was confirmed at the appointment and they sat us down and explained to us that her stomach had slipped up through a hole in her diaphragm, pushing her heart against her right lung and her stomach pushed against the left lung.

They explained to us that the chance of Gabrielle surviving was 40% as her lungs wouldn?t have room to grow and the blood vessels that pass through her lungs may not be able to cope.

We had an amniocentesis done to rule out Down Syndrome and other genetic problems so we knew what we were dealing with.  This was another painful wait of about two weeks but the tests all showed negative.

It was hard for us to go through the next four months looking at baby clothes and furniture not knowing whether to buy them or not and finding it difficult for the excitement to out way the fear of what was to happen.

Gabrielle was born on October 16 2002 by caesarean section.  My sister and husband had flown up from Melbourne and all the family were waiting around to meet her.  Gabrielle was the first grandchild in our family of 6 girls so you could imagine the waiting room.

At 2:45pm my obstetrician held up a beautiful 8lb 10 baby girl.  She was whisked away to be worked on and taken straight to the ICN.  When we went to see her she looked so healthy and beautiful, the only way you knew she was so sick was from all the lines and machines hooked up to her.  The doctors gave Gabrielle drugs to keep her paralyzed so it was really hard not seeing her move, open her eyes or being able to hold our little girl ? things so many parents take for granted.

Things were touch and go the first couple of days.  We had Gabby Christened two days after her birth, as things didn?t look good.  Somehow she hung in there and had the operation done to move her stomach back.  We weren?t given much hope of her surviving the surgery but somehow, once again, she pulled through.

The next two weeks were like a roller coaster ride; one day she was looking great and the next it didn?t look like she would survive the night.

We stayed with Gabrielle as much as possible going in at least twice a day and spending some nights on sofas in the parents? room.

One of the highlights was the day after Gabby?s operation when for the first time we saw her eyes open and her little toes and fingers wriggle.  After such hope we would again come crashing down with the news she was having another bad turn.  All we could do was be there for her, pray for her and come to terms with the fact that there was nothing the doctors could do; it was all up to Gabrielle.

On Melbourne cup day, November 5th 2002 we were phoned and told to come in and talk to the doctor ? of course we knew what this meant.  The doctor told us that we were just delaying the inevitable and would have to consider turning Gabby?s machines off ? something we could never have brought ourselves to do.

Gabrielle gave us the ?heads up? the night before when we were saying goodnight about 11pm.  She looked at us both straight in the eyes intently, first me and then Mark and we knew exactly what she was trying to say.

When we arrived at the hospital we could tell it was time for Gabrielle to end her fight.

We rang our families to come in and say goodbye.  We spent the next 6 hours talking with Gabrielle and telling her it was OK to go with God.  Thankfully she made the decision for us and peacefully slipped away ~6:30pm that same day.  For the first time we got to hold our little girl.

We know why things like this happen, because God needs special little angels and He needs loving parents to be with them for their short stay.

We love you so much Gabrielle, you have brought us so much joy, and taught us so many things, Thank you for choosing us.

Mummy and Daddy.