12 Ways to Motivate Kids

Say goodbye to the need to nag or bribe children to do their homework, clean or eat with these 12 fool-proof and scientifically proven ways to motivate kids.

  1. Build open and sincere connection

Before even thinking about how you can discipline kids, building a loving, guarded relationship with them should be your top priority. By doing so, you are giving him/her a safe place to express themselves openly, thus ensuring them that they can trust you.

You can try having meaningful conversations with the child, which is an excellent way of tapping into a child’s intrinsic motivation and getting to know what their personality or mindset is like. There are different kinds of children and finding out what goes through the mind of yours will allow you to understand how to discipline them appropriately.

  1. Recognize strengths and passions

This can be heavily related with the first one because spending time to get to know your kid opens up doors of opportunities to recognize crucial facts about them such as strengths, passions and preferences.

Similarly, you should also find out what are their weaknesses and imperfections so you can avoid hurting their feelings by unconsciously going too hard on them when it comes to their insecurities.

  1. Lead by example

There is nothing more effective when it comes to motivating kids than leading a life that could inspire them follow in your steps. Some parents neglect the importance of being a role model for their kids, even if it’s by small actions like saying “please” and “thank you” or keep your things organized for them to see.

  1. Express appreciation

At the end of the day, children need appreciation in their work so they can be inspired to continue what they’re doing. Children are inclined to want to impress their parents; therefore you can’t undermine the power of giving validations and celebrating their success.

  1. Take interests

This one’s fairly simple: get involved in your kid’s life. Instead of scolding them about taking too long to finish their homework, why not join them to understand which parts are they having a hard time with. It’s important for children to feel understood instead of just being hurried or bossed around.

  1. Allow them autonomy

There is a danger in being too controlling. You got to let children take the driver’s seat for them to understand that they have full autonomy over their decisions and actions. And in the end, when they face consequences due to failure to perform their responsibilities, they will understand that most of the time we have the power over how we want things to turn out.

  1. Instill responsibility

Most of the time we forget that children are not robots; they’re actual living and breathing human beings. Therefore, there will come a time when telling kids what to do will backfire simply because they just don’t want to do it anymore.

It is vital that children are instilled with responsibility and discipline because these things are what’s going to create long-term effects.

  1. Reconsider bribes

Rewards do great but only temporarily. Once a parent runs out of things to bribe the kid with, then the kid won’t have any reason to do what is asked. If you want to reap long-term benefits of disciplining your child, don’t rely too much on giving them rewards every time they accomplish something. Instead, why not make them understand how fulfilling it is to carry out a task on their own?

  1. Make room for natural consequences

The bottom line is we can discipline and lead kids all we want but it is still up to them to create the path they want to take. With that being said, in the process of motivating kids, always leave a room for natural tendencies.

  1. Stay optimistic

To add on what was said in the previous number, showing kids that you are patient and encouraging enough to stand by their side and cheer for them at their best and worst only solidifies your relationship with them.

Nothing good will come out of placing children in a mold of perfection. But what’s essential is for them to see the optimism, love and support in your eyes.

  1. Excite them

All kids love a little excitement. If you are struggling with getting your children to move and do things, getting them hyped up will increase their curiosity and eventually, drive them to obey you. You have to understand that, sometimes, all children need is a little push.

  1. Make everyday a learning opportunity

Last but definitely not the least, make children realize that you are not bossing them around but you are trying to make them realize that life consists of many different lessons to teach you; you just have to pay attention to catch them.

PDS Australia empowers families to build strong relationships with their children, create a safe environment for their children’s development, and ensure the best possible outcomes for their children. 
