Transforming Lives:
PDSAustralia Expert Counseling

PDS Australia was started in 2002 and strived to bring hope and support to families who have received a prenatal diagnosis of their unborn baby or the birth of a child with a disability. The original website of PDS Australia was brought down on around 2019. Since the information and articles of the website are deemed very helpful for the online community, me and my team unarchived the information from the original website.

PDS Australia empowers families to build strong relationships with their children, create a safe environment for their children’s development, and ensure the best possible outcomes for their children.

Are you struggling with parenting?

We offer experienced guidance and support to help you navigate this difficult time.

Disclaimer: The PDS Australia website, its content and any services offered to anyone are provided for informational purposes only. None of the foregoing is a substitute for professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a Doctor or Mental Health Clinician  or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding pregnancy or grief and loss issues. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the PDS Australia Site.


Carrying to Term | Grief and Loss | Terminating | Resources | Stories



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  • teaching your child to be a good citizen
  • Tips for Parenting
Counseling Psychology Degrees: What You Need to Know

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A career in counseling psychology can be highly rewarding for those with a genuine desire to impact people’s mental well-being positively. However, to become a licensed counseling psychologist, one must possess specific skills and undergo rigorous training. This guide offers a comprehensive overview of the educational path and requirements, including the necessary skills and competencies and steps to achieve licensure. Whether you are just starting or looking to…

Co-Parenting: The Secret to Raising Happy Children Despite Living Apart – What Does It Mean?

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Understanding Neglectful Parenting: Causes, Effects, and Solutions

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Peer Pressure-Proof Parenting: Why Authoritative Style Reigns Supreme

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