Coping with Grief

Here are some suggestions to cope with grief although it will not take away the pain. Those were found helpful by parents.

  • Time to yourself: After such a loss, you should give yourself at least half an hour a day alone. This time could be used to reflect on yourself or to think about your baby or to do nothing at all. Do not rush back into your ?old? routine, or into important decisions.

  • Write: Writing in a journal or a diary can be highly therapeutic. It will help you release your emotions and say things you may not want to tell anyone.

  • Cry or scream :Allow yourself to cry or to be miserable. You have lost your child and no one should expect you to be over it after the day of the funeral. Do not keep your emotions bottled up.

  • Join a support group:Most support groups offer ?mutual support?, which is support offered by grieving parents to other grieving parents.

  •  Learn about grief: Read books, other people?s stories or watch a video. By becoming familiar with grief and its stages, you will be able to recognise what you are feeling and understand your emotions a bit better.

  • Practice relaxation, exercises or prayers :Relaxation, exercises or prayers will help you feel physically and emotionally calmer and revitalise your energy

  • Talk to someone: You could talk to a friend or a family member or a counsellor. Needing to talk about your baby and your loss is to be expected after losing a child. It will ultimately assist in the grieving process.

  • Healthy lifestyle: Try to have a regular and effortless routine so your body is not stressed out or too tired. You should also try to have a balanced diet, sleep enough and avoid caffeine and alcohol.

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